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发布时间:2021-02-03 14:43:36   来源:本站原创   点击量:263
2020 was a year unlike any other. Companies and businesses of all sizes and governments new and old had to change across all facets, and technology helped manage these changes. Whether it was Blackboard, Zoom, Netflix, or any number of other tools, we relied on technology to help prepare meals, teach our children, collaborate with coworkers, and even entertain ourselves after yet another day at home. Rather than slow us down, 2020 accelerated our shift to a digital world, and I anticipate we won’t go back any time soon. Thanks to this acceleration, from my vantage point, 2021 will be a launchpad for all kinds of change. Here are some of the areas that will be driving it.
1. Cloud will be everywhere
The days of cloud capabilities being centralized in data centers are fast fading. Today, cloud-based applications can help boost the performance of ships at sea, aircraft traversing the sky, and in our cars and homes. Access to the cloud’s compute and storage is also reaching farther—from rural communities and remote wildernesses to near-earth orbit. Practically speaking, the cloud is accessible nearly everywhere—and it’s not just reach that matters, it’s the speed of the connections. For example, 5G extends to the edge of the networks and enables real computational work to be done.
This matters because tasks can now start to happen where results are needed most. For example, driverless cars become real, you can have more natural conversations with services like Alexa, and factories, homes, and office spaces become increasingly efficient and resilient. And if gaming is your thing, you’ll no longer need to worry about lag hampering your experience and your skills will be at full strength, wherever you are.
2. The internet of machine learning
We generate more data in one hour than was created in the entirety of 2000—and more data will be created in the next three years than was created over the past 30. In 2020, whether you’re a data scientist or not, we got a glimpse of this growing data curve as scientific researchers, pharmaceutical companies, governments, and healthcare institutes turned every resource toward developing vaccines, novel treatments, and other means to help the world’s population remain healthy during the pandemic. These efforts required generating and processing vast amounts of data. The only realistic way to handle all the information is to use ingestion and aggregation tools, married to machine learning (ML) models, to help make sense of it. It’s no wonder that ML went mainstream this year.
In 2021, we’ll see accelerated adoption of ML models across industries and government. In manufacturing, ML will be embedded on production lines, able to spot production anomalies in real-time. In agriculture, ML models will help farmers intelligently manage precious resources, such as soil and water. For parts of the world where small-holder farmers are the majority—for example, across Southeast Asia and Africa—pushing ML models into new applications and collecting data closer to the edge will be revolutionary in helping increase crop yields and find the best price for their effort.
我们在一小时内生成的数据要比2000年全年创建的数据更多-未来三年将创建的数据要比过去30年来创建的数据更多。到2020年,无论您是不是数据科学家,我们都可以科学研究人员,制药公司,政府和医疗机构将每种资源都转向开发疫苗,新颖疗法和其他手段来帮助大流行期间世界人民保持健康的过程中,这一数据曲线一瞥。这些工作需要生成和处理大量数据。处理所有信息的唯 一现实方法是使用与机器学习(ML)模型结合使用的提取和汇总工具来帮助理解这些信息。难怪ML今年成为主流。
3. In 2021, pictures, video, and audio will speak more than words
A few years ago, I talked about the death of the keyboard due to the rapid growth of voice-activated computing and the rise of user interfaces that allow humans to communicate with machines—and with each other—more naturally. In the months and years ahead, I predict that keyboards will continue to phase out in an evolved way.
In the past year—as we all entered the depths of lock down—we increasingly communicated via audio, video, and images. As a result, the amount of text we consume on our screens is being reduced as we make more use of multimedia to communicate. Companies that want to remain relevant to their customers need to be keenly aware of these changing habits—rather than expecting customers to interact with their products and services through a keyboard, mouse, or other mechanical ways. When it comes to building relationships and transacting with a brand, customers want to do what’s natural to them. Thus, companies should explore this move towards user interfaces like voice, and other forms of audio and video.

4. Technology will transform our physical worlds as much as our digital worlds
In 2020 we were introduced to social distancing. As we spaced ourselves out, we had the chance to take stock and rethink how our cities live, breathe, and flow. Many of the places we live and work have been built on decades-old assumptions (or centuries-old, depending on where you live) that don’t hold up anymore—or at the very least, don’t perform well in a pandemic.
With the help of advanced data analytics, we’ll start to figure out how to design our cities with the advantages of social distancing without the sense of being apart. Our planning will consider how we make our communities healthier and safer, rather than merely denser and more efficient. It’s the true convergence of the digital and the physical.

5. Remote learning earns its place in education
Recently, I spoke with high school students in Warsaw, Poland, who use the online learning service Brainly to keep up with their schoolwork and help each other in class. Tools like Brainly have exploded as parents support their kids’ learning in this new remote education reality.
Technology, and access to it, has played a huge role in children’s education during this pandemic. In 2021, we’ll prove that remote learning can work—and may be a better option for some—and can have a positive and more persistent role in education. We don’t need a global health crisis for online classes to make sense. Having remote schooling (and working) options widely available at any time means that kids can stay home when they’re sick without falling behind. Or what if there’s no school to go to at all? If there’s an internet connection, there’s the possibility for some type of education.
No question, I think we should send our kids back to classrooms. But there will be other interruptions. Remote classrooms give school systems the flexibility to respond to unforeseen events—whether pandemics, natural disasters, or man-made calamities—to continue student education.
近来,我与波兰华沙的高中生进行了交谈,他们使用在线学习服务Brainly来保持他们的学业并在课堂上互相帮助。随着父母在这种新的远程教育现实中支持孩子的学习,诸如Brainly之类的工具已经爆 炸式增长。

6. Small businesses will race to the cloud, and Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa will lead the way
In a massive shift, small businesses will begin to make use of advanced cloud technology to reach their customers. We’ll see an explosion of higher-level technologies and service providers that cater to these small businesses. In turn, this will help small business do everything—from spinning up a chatbot to help answer frequently asked questions, to getting a customer relationship management system in place and running within minutes. Small businesses get the benefits of sophisticated architectures and applications without having to invest the time and expense of building it themselves.
The “cloud everywhere” trend described above is enabling this shift alongside the experience that most small businesses faced this past year. In many cases, the difference between surviving—or not—was an ability to leverage technology. Only 47% of small and medium businesses in the U.S. have their own website. Expect this number to grow in 2021. As this trend expands globally, we should look to nations in Southeast Asia—like Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and Africa, like Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa—to lead the way.
在一个巨大的转变中,小型企业将开始利用******的云技术来吸引客户。我们将看到迎合这些小型企业的******技术和服务提供商的爆 炸式增长。反过来,这将帮助小型企业做所有事情-从创建聊天机器人以帮助回答常见问题,到建立客户关系管理系统并在几分钟之内运行。小型企业无需复杂的架构和应用程序即可受益,而无需花费时间和******自行构建。

7. Quantum computing starts to bloom
We’ve seen time and again, if you can democratize the most advanced, complex technology and make it affordable, available, and understandable to as many people as possible, great things happen. At re:Invent 2019 we announced Amazon Braket, a fully-managed quantum computing service that helps researchers and developers get started with the technology to accelerate research and discovery. And in 2020 we made it available to everyone.
There’s no question we’re at the early stages of this mind-bending approach to computing, but that’s the point of Braket. It’s especially important in this exploratory time that we let as many people as possible get their hands dirty and their brains wrapped around quantum computing. As companies and institutions begin to experiment with quantum for the first time—and as that expertise starts to move beyond the academic world—we’ll see business plans and the early seeds of products and services that center around a quantum future.
我们一次又一次地看到,如果您可以使zui******,zui复杂的技术民主化,并使之能够负担得起,尽可能多地被人们理解,那么伟大的事情***会发生。在re:Invent 2019上,我们发布了Amazon Braket,这是一种******托管的量子计算服务,可帮助研究人员和开发人员开始使用该技术来加速研究和发现。到2020年,我们将其提供给所有人。
毫无疑问,我们正处于这种令人费解的计算方法的早期阶段,但这***是Braket的******。在这个探索性的时代中,特别重要的是,我们要让尽可能多的人弄脏双手,让大脑缠住量子计算。随着公司和机构第 一次开始尝试量子技术,并且随着专业知识开始超越学术领域,我们将看到围绕量子未来的商业计划以及产品和服务的早期种子。

8. The final frontier...
For technology to help everyone around the world live a better life, we shouldn’t go out and around the world as much as we should go up and above it.
In 2019, we launched a service called AWS Ground Station. It enables the ability to control satellite communications, process data, and scale operations without having to worry about building or managing a ground station infrastructure. We’re already seeing the ability to access and process satellite data helping researchers track glacial recession, maritime agencies protect vulnerable marine reserves, and agronomists better predict food supply. Startups are looking to establish a new breed of fast, secure networks in outer space. By making access to space affordable and accessible to every developer, I’m looking forward to seeing the innovations that come back down to earth and help us grow and prosper
在2019年,我们推出了一项名为AWS Ground Station的服务。它具有控制卫星通信,处理数据和扩展操作的能力,而不必担心建立或管理地面站基础设施。我们已经看到了访问和处理卫星数据的能力,这些能力可以帮助研究人员追踪冰川的衰退,海事机构保护脆弱的海洋保护区以及农学家可以更好地预测粮食供应。初创企业希望在太空中建立一种新型的快速,安全的网络。通过使每位开发人员都能负担得起并获得******合理的空间使用权,我期待看到扎根于地面的创新技术,并帮助我们成长和繁荣。


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